
Longevity Lifestyles: Future Views


Longevity Lifestyles: Future Views

The potential impact that longevity will have on the way we work, organise, connect and find meaning in life could be profound. Here we explore the...
Health : Wellness : Society
Are we heading for a post-demographic future?


Are we heading for a post-demographic future?

Generational terms such as Baby Boomer and Millennial have shaped the way we conduct research. But are they helping to predict the future – or hold...
Youth : Marketing : Generation Z
Ageless in Argentina


Ageless in Argentina

Argentina – Cross-cultural agency La Comunidad has released a new tourism advertising campaign aimed at Baby Boomers.
Argentina : Tourism : The Flat Age Society
FashTech London Summit 2016: Review

Big Ideas

FashTech London Summit 2016: Review

The biggest names in fashion and technology came together earlier this month to discuss how to drive sustainability and create a seamless customer...
FashTech London Summit : Seamless Technology : Whole-system Thinking
Gen Viz

Macro Trends

Gen Viz

Teenagers are no longer self-absorbed souls struggling through puberty. Abstinence and realness are the order of the day for these new social activ...
Gen Viz : Generation Z : Visual First
Window-shopping: Consumer Futures Forum explores shape of things to come


Window-shopping: Consumer Futures Forum explores shape of things to come

London – Leading figures from the retail, food, banking and automotive industries joined LS:N Global for a day of consumer insights and to explore ...
Consumer Futures Forum 2014 : Retail : Retail Experience
US urban cores gain young, well-educated residents

Big Ideas

US urban cores gain young, well-educated residents

Urban cores across the US are attracting an outsized share of young and educated residents, even in cities where the overall economic picture is...
City Observatory : Demographics : Urban Policy
More US meals eaten alone than with company

Big Ideas

More US meals eaten alone than with company

More than half (57%) of meals in the US are consumed alone, according to new research.
Singleton Tsunami : Singles Rising : Solo Singles
Study finds more US dads at home with children

Big Ideas

Study finds more US dads at home with children

A new report from the Pew Research Center has documented the long-term growth in the number of US fathers who do not work outside the home.
Pew Research Center : Fatherhood : Parenting
Generation X suffers from a weak identity

Big Ideas

Generation X suffers from a weak identity

Generation X is the neglected middle child, stuck between the Millennials and Baby Boomers, according to a report by Pew Research Center.
Generation X : Pew Research Center : Millennials
Youthful urban neighbourhoods attract Flat-Agers

Big Ideas

Youthful urban neighbourhoods attract Flat-Agers

The population of Baby Boomers is rapidly increasing in youth-orientated neighbourhoods in New York.
Baby Boomers : New York : Hipsters
Pew study highlights internet adoption rates among seniors

Big Ideas

Pew study highlights internet adoption rates among seniors

Rates of internet usage among US seniors continue to rise, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.
Pew Research Center : Internet Adoption : Internet
Sarah Harper: The Amortals century


Sarah Harper: The Amortals century

Oxford University professor of gerontology Sarah Harper discusses the age of Amortals.
Ageing : Amortals : Demographics
Theodore Iacobuzio : Know your customers’ digital DNA


Theodore Iacobuzio : Know your customers’ digital DNA

The person: Theodore Iacobuzio The idea: Words: Alison Bishop Visuals: James Maiki
Facebook : MasterCard : Theodore Iacobuzio
Social Singles


Social Singles

Being alone has never felt less lonely. With more ways than ever to connect online, laptops, smartphones and tablets have become the only tools you...
Last-minute : Self-employed : Living
Brazil's middle class adds gloss to beauty market

Big Ideas

Brazil's middle class adds gloss to beauty market

Brazil’s middle class adds gloss to beauty market
Brazil : New Emerging Affluents : São Paulo
Young tablet readers offer brands rich pickings

Big Ideas

Young tablet readers offer brands rich pickings

Young tablet readers offer brands rich pickings
Advertising : Print Media : Lucky
Luxury consumers will buy online in a flash

Big Ideas

Luxury consumers will buy online in a flash

Luxury consumers will buy online in a flash
E-commerce : Flash Sales : Luxury Spending
Single-person households show the power of one

Big Ideas

Single-person households show the power of one

Single-person households show the power of one
Leisure : Living Alone : Singles Rising
Young Turks prompt surge in mall development

Big Ideas

Young Turks prompt surge in mall development

Young Turks prompt surge in mall development
Shopping : Jones Lang : Union Investment Real Estate
Book of cards: Future goes down to the WIRE


Book of cards: Future goes down to the WIRE

Zurich – Think tank WIRE, the Web for Interdisciplinary Research and Expertise, has released a file-card publication called Mind the Future, a comp...
Contemporary : Compendium : Mind The Future
Social networking reveals its female side

Big Ideas

Social networking reveals its female side

Social networking reveals its female side
Social Networking : Facebook : Twitter
For Singaporean retailers, niche consumers are key

Big Ideas

For Singaporean retailers, niche consumers are key

For Singaporean retailers, niche consumers are key
Singapore : Luxury : Singapore Retail Industry Conference
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