Data Privacy

The Big Idea: Decolonising Data Privacy


The Big Idea: Decolonising Data Privacy

In this report, we discussed how to earn and retain consumers’ trust via ethical data handling strategies, learning from Indigenous cultures priori...
Data : Technology : Decolonisation
Preserving Digital Legacies

Micro Trends

Preserving Digital Legacies

Meet the innovators safeguarding and cherishing precious digital memories beyond the grave.
Death : Digital Legacy : Data Storage
Decolonising Data Privacy

Big Ideas

Decolonising Data Privacy

To earn and retain consumers’ trust via ethical data handling strategies, businesses can learn from Indigenous cultures prioritising data consent, ...
Data Protection : Technology : Decolonisation
Cannes Lions 2023: AI Mania and the Meh-taverse

Big Ideas

Cannes Lions 2023: AI Mania and the Meh-taverse

The 2023 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity delved into AI obsession, the future of influencer marketing and a lukewarm depiction of...
Media : Advertising : Technology
Safety Fits

Micro Trends

Safety Fits

Merging functional gear with activism, emerging designers want to turn clothes into modern-day armour.
Fashion : Society : Technology
UNESCO takes aim at data harvesting


UNESCO takes aim at data harvesting

As UNESCO prepares to host an international negotiation about the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), the organisation is launching a browser e...
Media And Entertainment : Technology : Society
Corporeal Privacy

Micro Trends

Corporeal Privacy

Privacy and data protection are now becoming part of our physical beings, thanks to hardware and devices that mesh with our bodies.
Privacy : Technology : Security
Social media mavericks

Big Ideas

Social media mavericks

UK – Admiral Insurance’s plans to introduce discounts based on users’ social media profiles has been blocked by Facebook.
Facebook : Backlash Brands : Data Privacy
Kassem Younis: Respect Data


Kassem Younis: Respect Data

CEO of Mana App Studio explains how companies can reform their attitude to personal information.
Privacy : Personal Data : Big Data
Kassem Younis: Private messaging


Kassem Younis: Private messaging

The CEO of anonymous messaging service Thoughts Around Me talks about sharing without revealing personal data.
Personal Information Economy : Data Privacy : Messaging Apps
Data marketing

Big Ideas

Data marketing

World Retail Congress 2015 – Consumers are sharing their personal data more willingly than ever, but they expect to receive something in exchange.
Aimia : World Retail Congress 2015 : Data Privacy
Consumers willing to trade data using social logins if they are compensated

Big Ideas

Consumers willing to trade data using social logins if they are compensated

Data consulting firm Gigya has released a report showing that social logins are becoming more popular among consumers.
Gigya : Data Privacy : Social Media
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